Gallery Augie Serves at St Columba’s for the First Time With Fr Thomas and Presbytera Karen at the Enthronement of Metropolitan CONSTANTINE of Denver Blessing Paisios’s Apartment Blessing Christos and Ruth’s new appartment Fr James Blesses Cars on Ascension Sunday Four Priests for the Ascension: Fr David, Fr Les, Fr Demetrios, Fr David Lucas Gets His Birthday Blessing St Columba’s Day: High Mass St Columba’ Day: Veneration of His Icon and Relic Visiting with Steve Augie’s Graduation Visit from Seminarian Luke from St Tikhon’s Altar of Repose for Maundy Thursday Mass ‘in Coena Domini’ Good Friday Liturgy: Mass of the Presanctified Serving Crew for the Paschal Vigil The Exsultet The kids show what to do with the ‘Red Eggs’ Our Wonderful Choir Debbie Arranges the Easter Flowers