Iconography at St. Columba

Here you see the icon of Christ in Majesty. The icon or image of Christ in Majesty was more or less the standard image that dominated the area above the altar in Christian Churches from the early Christian era until the late Middle Ages. This image was found throughout the early Christian world from the edges of Asia to the Western tip of Europe. The image is that of the risen Christ “sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven.” (Matthew 26:62) The angels hold in their hands books representing the four Gospels.

The center icon in the row of saints is St
Columba. Saints in order from the center to the right: St. Hilda of
Whitby (614-680), St. Benedict
(480- 550), St. Margaret of Scotland (1045 -1093), St. Bede (c.673-735)
Saints in order from the center to the left: St. Alban Protomartyr of England (3rd century), St. Etheldreda ( – d 679), St. Edward the Confessor (1003 -1066), St. Walburga ( c.710 — 779)