Gallery Shion’s admission as a catechumen Shion as a catechumen Lynette Teaches on David at Gath and the tradition of holy fools Altar servers during Bishop JOHN’s visit Clergy during Bishop JOHN’s visit Birthday blessing from Bishop JOHN Anniversary Blessing Burt’s birthday blessing from Bishop JOHN Birthday Blessing from Bishop JOHN Birthday blessing Ree Birthday Blessing – Subdeacon Alexander The Ehabs at Home Communion to Joanie Table Talk Meeting with Dr Cara Aspesi of the St Constantine School Reader Stefan joins us as part-time pastoral assistant Fr David at the Western Rite Conference, with Reader Stefan, Liam Stevens & Augustine Watson) Fr David deaconing at our sister parish of St Augustine’s, Denver Augie Serves at St Columba’s for the First Time With Fr Thomas and Presbytera Karen at the Enthronement of Metropolitan CONSTANTINE of Denver