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Wisdom From Above

Today in the Orthodox Church we recall St Siluoan the Athonite, who reposed September 24 1938. A Russian, he came to Mount Athos at the age of twenty-seven, where he practiced the spiritual life…

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The Ember Days

Today we celebrate the first of the September ember days, the quarter days as we also call them, the days of fasting and prayer by which the church sanctifies the four seasons of the…

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East and West

What is the above image a depiction of? Our Lady of Sorrows? Or, the Theotokos, Softener of Evil Hearts? Many people like to speak of the differences between East and West, but, in fact,…

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Every night before Compline, I read the martyrology, the list of saints whom we celebrate the following day. These saints bear witness to the promise of the Lord that the gates of hell will…

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Loving Our Enemy

Today we read at Morning Prayer of how David lamented for Saul (2 Samuel 1), Saul who had hounded and persecuted him, Saul who had sought his life (1 Samuel 21, 1). Is this…

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