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Our Own Feast

Today is the feast of the Lord’s Epiphany – His manifestation, or showing forth. It recalls three things: the Coming of the Wise Men, which is His manifestation to the Gentiles; His Baptism, which…

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King David’s Day

December 29 marks the feast of the royal and holy ancestor of God, King David. David was a tremendous sinner, a murderer and an adulterer. Yet God forgave him. Why? Because of his repentance….

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Whose Birthday?

Today, December 21, we celebrate the feast of St Thomas. Why today? Because St Thomas reminds us of Whose birthday it is that we are about to celebrate. With his confession, ‘My Lord and…

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The Marital Arena

The icon of Our Lady’s Conception is an image of marital love, a reminder that sainthood is not just for monks and nuns, but for married people, too. Indeed, Orthodoxy conceives of marriage as…

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St Peter Chrysologos

Today we celebrate the feast of St Peter Chrysologos. Like all good saints, Peter is the stuff of legend, a legend alluded to in the collect which speaks of God having pointed him out…

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We Are Romans!

Today we celebrate the dedication of the Roman basilicas of St Peter and St Paul. Some people are surprised by this – but they forget that we Orthodox are Romans! ‘Rum’ is the way…

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Sharing is Caring

‘Behold a great priest who in his days pleased God.’ These words of the epistle certainly apply to the saint whose feast we celebrate today, Martin of Tours. Born in the first part of…

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Surely Fixed

I haven’t blogged for a while. One reason is the strange nature of my life these last few weeks. First, my wife got COVID. She recovered, but then we had to evacuate our house…

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Our Patron Saints

A beautiful meditation the other night from Fr Les on the importance of our patron saints. He spoke of how we should get to know about them, but also about how we should get…

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